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Certain EEA or non-EEA family members can join their qualified EEA nationals in the UK, even post Brexit.

These could be your spouse, unmarried partner, parents and children under the age of 21.

EEA Citizens requirements

From the 30th June 2021 the Home Office expects that your EEA national sponsor holds either the EU Settled or EU pre-Settled Status, so you could join them in the UK.

EEA and Non-EEA nationals family members

Spouses and Partners

You must be married to a qualified EEA national or have cohabited with the EEA national for a continued period of 2 years before the 31st December 2020.

Dependent parents

You must be a parent of a qualified EEA national or the EEA or non-EEA spouse of that EEA national.

From the 30th June 201 dependency is no longer assumed, and you will need proof of dependency upon a qualified EEA national.

Dependent children

You must be a child under the age of 21 of a qualified EEA national or the EEA or non-EEA spouse of that EEA national.

In most cases you also need to prove that your EEA sponsor has means and accommodation to maintain and accommodate you in the UK.

The EU Settlement Scheme Family Permit applications are usually lodged online with the supporting documents uploaded via a dedicated web-site.

There are certain requirements for the file supporting digital documents type, size and quality.

The application consideration time may vary, being 1 months on average.

The above options are not exhaustive as we treat every client's case individually. Please do not hesitate to book an online or phone consultation with us for a professional immigration advice and possible further representation before the UK Border Agency or the First Tier or Upper Tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) (FTT/UTT IAC).

We are here to help: , 077 911 45 923 (Mob/Viber/WhatsApp), 0330 001 0342 and, of course, the helpful instant and same day Legal Centre Skype, Phone, Viber and WhatsApp Consultations