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High Potential Individual route visa

The High Potential Individual route is open for individuals who are at the early stage of their careers and who have demonstrated they have high potential to benefit the UK workforce.
To be eligible for a High Potential Individual short-term work visa, the applicant must demonstrate:
  • they have been awarded a qualification which is equivalent to a UK Bachelors, Masters or PhD from an eligible international university, included in the Global Universities List for the year of award
  • their qualification must be at the same level as: a UK bachelor’s degree, UK post bachelor’s degree or a UK PhD or doctorate and has been awarded no more than 5 years before the date of application
  • they can speak, read, listen and write English to at least the B1 intermediate level
    • anyone applying must have maintenance funds of at least £1,270
A High Potential Individual route visa usually lasts for 2 years. For PhD or doctoral qualification, it will last for 3 years.
The High Potential Individual route delivers the UK's commitment in the Plan for Growth, to introduce an elite points-based route to attract the brightest and best to the UK to maintain our status as a leading international hub for emerging technologies.

The above is just a general description of the High Potential Individual route, as detailed description and requirements would take tons of pages (also frequently updated by the UK BA).

We professionally work with the UK immigration categories, and we can certainly answer your questions or perhaps assist you in coming to the UK as a migrant in one of the available immigration categories.

The above options are not exhaustive, as we treat every client's case individually. Please do not hesitate to book an online consultation with us for a professional immigration advice and possible further representation before the UK Border Agency or the First Tier or Upper Tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) (FTT/UTT IAC).

We are here to help: , 077 911 45 923 (Mob/Viber/WhatsApp), 0330 001 0342 and, of course, the helpful instant and same day Legal Centre Skype, Phone, Viber and WhatsApp Consultations